Rocky Knob Farm
Prichard West Virginia
Rocky Knob Farm in Prichard West Virginia. We raise vegetables on 15 acres of land. Some of the vegetables we grow are tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers, and more. Rocky Knob Farm is famous for growing sweet corn. One of our biggest crops is Pumpkins, growing thousands of pumpkins every year.
Click below to go to Jason's Rocky Knob Farm videos
Growing Pumpkins for The Pumpkin House in Kenova West Virginia
Rocky Knob Farm is the number one supplier of pumpkins to the Pumpkin House in Kenova West Virginia. We grow thousands of pumpkins every year.
Helping Children Learn About Agriculture
Helping children learn about agriculture. We’re producing videos for kids in West Virginia schools that will teach them about agriculture and farming. We enjoy teaching children the importance of food and farming. Learning how to farm can have a significant impact on their lives.
Spring is around the corner, we will have many videos from plowing, discing, tilling, and planting. My wife Tab nephews Tanner and I do most of the work. Stay tuned and thanks for watching.
Jason Ekers
Rocky Knob Farm
Prichard WV

Guyan Conservation District
Jason Ekers is the District Supervisor of the Guyan Conservation District in West Virginia. Serving Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mingo, and Wayne counties West Virginia.